Monday, September 22, 2008

Funky Blog Name

When I was learning to ride my bike my parents decided to bribe me. If I could ride my bike--without training wheels--all the way around the path in the park they would buy me any Nintendo(r) game I wanted. Eventually I did it and my folks took me to Children's Palace. For those of you who didn't live in KC 20 years ago, Children's Palace was a huge toy store with giant red towers on each corner. If a giant toy store wasn't exciting enough, the castle spires really added to the hype.

So there I was, 6 years old with a free ticket for any nintendo game I could want. I was drooling with anticipation: Ninja Turtles, Contra, Punch-Out...even Wheel of Fortune!

And I choked! I was Gretsky with an open net and I choked! I picked this game no one's ever heard of before called "A Boy and His Blob!" about a boy and his, well...his blob, I guess. It looked like a jet-puffed marshmallow with a mini-marshmallow for a head.

I thought it looked cool because you could feed the blob jelly beans. Tangerine turned him into a trampoline, Licorice a ladder, Root Beer was a rocket, etc. And the only kind he wouldn't eat was ketchup jelly beans. So I played the game for hours trying to get him to eat a ketchup jelly bean. Waste of time.

I picked the name here because of the pun. It feels like something I would have named my e-mail account in middle school. But I think its fitting because I don't really know what this blog will be like and if its anything like my written journal it will be lots of different things at different times--depending on the jelly beans i've been eating.

Advice from older and wiser bloggers is welcome. As well as challenges! I welcome challengers! Just don't leave any ketchup jelly beans in my comments. If the blog eats them, he'll become a petrified marshmallow. And what good is that?


luke said...

of all the games that we played or watched each other play, i think that was probably the worst.

my advice is to find some old cool pictures from that game and put them on your blog. that or change your theme to monkey island! hope you are able to write well.

luke said...

and by well i mean often--i got distracted because i was talking to you on the phone.